Welcome to Ashtanga Yoga Hastings

Hello — I'm Andy Gill, and on behalf of AYH I'm delighted to welcome you to Ashtanga Yoga Hastings - a yoga community located in Hastings on the south east coast of England.

For over 30 years, creating community and connection has always been at the heart of my Yoga journey, from my time practicing and learning to teach with Gingi Lee at the Sangam in Battersea Rise, to Stillpoint Yoga London teaching with Scott Johnson, and also my time as part of John Scott’s Senior teaching group. So, when Gina and I co-founded Ashtanga Yoga Hastings together in 2022, community and connection had to be at the heart of what we do. We believe in a person centred approach to teaching, placing the needs of our students first, meeting them as equals in the teaching space. We teach non-dogmatically and seek to work in a supportive way which is appropriate to a practice that offers personal freedom and liberation.

We see Yoga as a process - we are committed to creating an environment in which we can allow change to unfold in the body, slowly over time. We do not need to be in a hurry, neither do we need to force or to be forced. After all, the Yoga Sutras tell us that;

‘Perfection in practice comes when one continues to practice with sincerity and respect for a long period of time without any interruption.’

Yoga Sutra 1.14

So perfection or mastery of Yoga requires that you practice for a long period of time, ideally regularly and without interuption, and do your practice with love and respect.

Attending trainings and workshops helps develop our understanding of Yoga, but it’s true depth can only be realised through regular and consistent practice. As it if often said in Ashtanga: “Practice and all is coming”.

We offer a supportive, collaborative and creative teaching space in which we can work with our students over a long period of time, helping them develop and realise the potential of their Yoga practices. It is a delight to see the changes unfolding in our students as we work consistently and regularly together.

At AYH, we teach authentic Hatha Yoga through the Ashtanga framework, which we see as the perfect approach to developing a deeper understanding and experience of Yoga. We teach our students that Yoga is a continual play and union of opposition - physically and energetically. We encourage them to learn to balance these opposites and move with softness and fluidity, to find better more effort-less ways of moving and being.

Our work has been informed from deep, consistent and regular practice over many decades with some of the best Yoga teachers in the world. We offer a regular schedule of mysore assisted self practice classes, led group classes, workshops and retreats. We believe in creating a warm, welcoming space where everyone can thrive, so if you are looking for a space in which to develop and deepen your Yoga practice with the highest quality of teaching, and to become part of a like-minded community, then please do contact us.

Andy & Gina